Friday, May 06, 2005

Are our eyes always right???

The business of the optometrist is booming but still I was forced to think "are our eyes always right?"
Sometimes we take the information provided by the eyes as the truth, eye witnesses have a special important in court cases, but are our eyes always right? If we try to understand how we see the world in 3 dimensions we would end up wondering how on earth can the eyes give us the true picture.
When the light rays simulates the millions of rods and cones in the retina a 2-D image is formed on the semispherical retina. This picture is transmitted to the brain by the nerves and then the brain uses the experience gained during the millions of years of evolution to interpret this 2-D image and create a 3-D world before us. This 2D to 3D mapping has more accuracy that any engineer can ever achieve but still it has some constraints which are exploited by the artists who are masters in the art of creating illusions. Painters have long fooled our eyes by making us perceive depth while drawing on a 2D plane(ie. the canvas) but the question is how can we be sure that the picture of the world presented by our eyes is the true one? Do we perceive the actual depth of an object? and why do we see a 3D world when we know it is drawn on a 2D paper?
Meanwhile the optometrists will keep making money whether the eyes tell the truth or not.


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